Gamified lessons for improving third grade students' English spelling at Bankantrok Prachasan school, Si Sa Ket province

TitleGamified lessons for improving third grade students' English spelling at Bankantrok Prachasan school, Si Sa Ket province
Publication Typeวิทยานิพนธ์/Thesis
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSiriporn Saman
DegreeMaster of Arts -- Major in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
InstitutionFaculty of Liberal Arts, Ubon Rachathani University
CityUbon Rachathani
Call NumberPE S619 2019
KeywordsEnglish language -- Study and teaching (Elementary), English language -- Usage, Gamified lessons, spelling skills

The present study was conducted to investigate English spelling problems among Grade 3 students at Ban Kantrok Prachasan School, Si Sa Ket province. Gamified lessons were adopted in this study in order to reinforce the participants’ English spelling skill. The study included all 18 Grade 3 students at the school. They learned through five gamified lessons in five classes, with each lesson lasting 50 minutes. In each lesson, the students learned six target words and learned 30 words from all five lessons. Five pre-tests and identical post-tests were applied in this study to collect the data. Scores were calculated using descriptive statistics, namely standard deviation and means. T-test was also used to compare the means. Their spelling mistakes were categorized into different groups and it was found that the participants generally improved their spelling skills. The group of fast-paced learners had the highest degree of improvement, while the moderate and slow-paced learners experienced a reduced level of improvement. The results are discussed in relation to the efficacy of the gamified lesson to improve spelling, the effects of phonics learning on spelling words with complex spelling, and the need for explicit identification of minor errors.

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